This category has grown over the years. What used to be just needles and pins now also included clips, magnets, tape and glue. And though these items might be small we still need to be sure we have the capacity and function that our others tools require. And several of these items will deteriorate with age.
Different pins are for different jobs. So, the first step is to identify which pins you are actually using. Eliminate the ones that you don’t.
Step two is to cull out the dull, bent and rusty. Remember to dispose of them safely. I keep an old pill container beside my sewing machine. Whenever I need to dispose of a sharp, it immediately goes in there. And when it’s full, I give it to our metal recycler.
This is the time to go through your pincushions and sort what's there and transfer any pins back to where they belong. And how many pincushions do you have? How many do you need? I have one for each area of work.
We have the hand sewing needles and the machine needles. Move your sewing machine needles next to your machines and we'll get to that later in the challenge

If you do a lot of handwork, your stash of needles is going to look different than crafters who only machine quilt. And you might need different sizes and shapes depending on the work that you do. But no matter if they are for hand sewing or for your sewing machine, if you cannot identify their purpose or you don’t do that kind of sewing, they can go.
In a previous year I found all sorts of doll-making needles. They sent me down that rabbit hole of “what can I do with it?” before I realized that they were very replaceable if I ever needed to use them.

Clips are fairly new to the quilter's tool box. I use them for binding and occasionally piecing. So I keep a tray full of them at my sewing machine. I do keep several in my slow sewing kit but if I get more than six I will usually move them back to the tray. Though I have been tempted to buy more clips in various colours, my tray is full.
Glue comes in many shapes, sizes and compounds. Again it's important to keep your glue near where you will use it. I have one type that needs heat to activate it so it sits in my ironing tray. I keep my glue pens with my EPP kit. I keep the glue tape I use with my FPP next to my sewing machine.
Glue also deteriorates with age. I purchased some school glue sticks in bulk last year and I am disappointed that I have to toss over half of them as they have dried out. I also found a container of fabric glue with a broken lid. The whole bottle had to be tossed.
Magnets are also new to the quilter's tool box. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. I keep my small ones in my slow sewing kits, a couple of the big ones next to my sewing machine for managing the big quilt tops and a full set of magnums at my longarm.
I do have more magnets than I need so I have been sharing them with friends this past year to show them what the magnets can do.
Don't forget to use your timer. Not only will it provide a pace, but it will also keep you on track.
This might be an easy day if you did this last year. Or It might be a tough one if you are dealing with years of accumulated sharps or you just inherited a supply from another sewer. Regardless, be sure to reward yourself with time for you at your sewing table.
Don't forget to share your decluttering process on social media using the hashtags #declutterchallenge2025.
See you tomorrow for Day 11.
Keep your extra glue sticks in the refrigerator, they won't dry out. Yes, it works!