We have just FIVE days to go. The finish line is in sight. I know we can do it.
I hope you have your climbing gear because today we are climbing Mt. Scrapmore. Today’s the day we grab all of our scraps from all over the sewing room, basement, garage and any other place that you have been stashing them. Today we get to see just how big Mt. Scrapmore has become.

Now scraps happen. There’s no shame in that since every project we have ever made, or will make, will produce scraps.
However, every square inch of your sewing space is valuable so your first question is:
How much scrap fabric do I want to use?
But with scraps it’s not just how much capacity that you want your scraps to occupy in your sewing room. It’s also about how fast they are leaving your space through scrap blocks and other projects. So the second thing you need to do is think about is how many projects you make a year. How many of them do you want to make from your scraps? If you only make 2 or 3 scrap projects a year, why waste your valuable space storing enough for 10? Do you even like to use scraps? If you don’t, there are plenty of people that do.
You can sell or donate what you don't want. But you do need to find those quilters that want them so that the scraps don't linger too long in your space.
And how are you storing your scraps? This space needs to be easily accessible so the scraps can flow in and out. If your scraps cannot be easily stored and consumed they will quickly spill over into other areas.
And how many types of scraps are you making the effort of storing? In addition to scrap quilting fabric, you might have knits, denim, and upholstery fabric. We also have scrap batting, interfacings and fusible webbings. Is your space large enough to store every type?
So today's challenge is about establishing that capacity, setting yourself some rules for the future, and decluttering all the excess.
I have one drawer where I dump all my scraps as I find them. And once a month, or as needs be, I take between 30-60 minutes and I process as much as I can. But last January I was so sick of working with the same fabrics over and over again that I did a power week and made bonus blocks of everything I could manage. The remainder was donated.
So this year I really do not have enough to be worried about. So If you want to know more, about how I process my scraps check out this video.
I have three drawers in total and one container. I am happy with this system though It’s taken me several years to find my flow. But if anything changes in my style of quilting, or my fabrics, I am prepared to change it. For instance, I've been making a lot of Potato Chip blocks out of my scraps lately, and those are 4 1/2" x 2 1/2" so I have a container just with those

Remember today’s challenge is not about organizing your fabric scraps into a thousand projects. It’s about setting boundaries for the coming year, so that you have a balance between the scraps being produced with the scraps being consumed.
Just because you CAN make postcards from scraps, it doesn't mean that you will, nor that you’ll need 6 bags of scrap to do it with.
So how big is your Mount Scrapmore? Share your photos and scrap projects online, in the Facebook Group or on instagram with the hashtag #declutterchallenge2025
Take care. See you tomorrow for day 18