What Doesn't Belong In Your Space? These are the squatters. All those items that you dumped here because you were in a hurry or you just could not make a decision on where in your home they should go.
So the question you are asking today is
Does this belong in my sewing space?
If the answer is no, today is the day we put it all back where it belongs. The kitchen, the bedroom, laundry room, storage room or garage. Just put it back. Don't get distracted by trying to organize where they go to. Just put it there and deal with making it nice another day.
Now it is possible that your space is like mine; it doubles as a guest room. So it's also about moving items back into my space once the guests have gone home.
Be sure use your timer. My favourite is the white cube one; you’ll be amazed at how much you’ll accomplish in 30 minutes. Repeat if necessary. If you need more time be sure to take a short break in between. You might also need a buddy to help clear out some of the larger items.

Beware! Do not get distracted by where your items end up. And I know that this is easier said than done. Today after 8 months, I finally dealt with a pile of stuff outside my door and I am determined not to let them pile up there again this year. And I still needed to get to the studio to declutter that space.
Today might also be the day you start a brain dump. This is just a place where you can quickly put ideas...I like to call them squirrels and they distract you from the task at hand. I am using a white board, my bullet journal and my phone. But you can use post-its or a plain notebook too.

Be sure to use your timer so if you get distracted it will zing you back into the present.
As well as items that belong in other spots in your home, you might find items that need to be returned. Or you may remember items that need to be returned to you. Or you could find items that you need to send a thank you note for. Add them to the list to deal with after the timer goes off.
This day has always made me look hard at items that I have hung onto for years. Those miscellaneous items that fit no where else in my home. This is the 5th year of the challenge and I do feel more mentally prepared to deal with some of these emotional decisions. Items I have said YES to for several years I am now able to see that it's now a NO as it longer fits me and my future. Some I have said YES to but yes to a more pared down version. I often say, decluttering is like peeling an onion. Each year a layer is removed.
After you get the squatters out of the way, take a moment to clean your sewing machine. Following the manufacturer's guidelines, clear out all the fluff, give it a bit of oil and change the needle. Rethread the machine and add a fresh bobbin.

I hope you feel the energy of your space changing the way I feel mine is. There's a real excitement building for the UFO's I am ready to finish and the new projects I can't wait to start.

You have probably found some items that you are shaking your head wondering why they are in your sewing room. Post them with the hashtag #declutterchallenge2025 or #jgidqdeclutter2025.
I’ll see you tomorrow for Day Three.
If you missed any previous days you can find them here (just scroll to the bottom)
My sewing room is also my office, so that provides unique challenges to decluttering! And it most recently acted as the Christmas Wrapping Station. That part was easily decluttered, but sewing creeps into office sometimes, and that is not so easy!