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  • Writer's pictureKaren

On the Road to QuiltCon Part 2

It's been a while since my last post. I have been working so hard learning all I need to learn about making movies and managing all the extra stuff that goes with it. It's been both maddening and thrilling at the same time.

This week as I upload my next instalment of On the Road to Quiltcon I finally feel like some of the routine is finally sticking.

Monday is going to be my blog day going for forward.

So what do I need to tell you today? Mainly that a new video has been uploaded to my channel. Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE.

I just love all the amazing graffiti I filmed against for this episode. There is this whole alley of garages near where the Toronto Modern Guild meets. I was there just as the sun was going down and the light was perfect. The neighbours must have wondered who I was and why I was walking up and down the lane, talking into my phone.

I love this wall I was filming against

I have a couple of documents that I referenced in the video which I am putting here.

Nashville Hotel Comparison

And the Booking Agreeement. Feel free to adjust to your purposes and needs.

Booking Fine Print

I hope you enjoyed the video. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.


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About Me

I'm a quilter, crafter, mother, wife, daughter, businesswoman but not necessarily in that order. I love to make things and like nothing better than checking things off the list.


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